
Capital s shows the writer is good looking.


Double t crossbar shows multitasking ability. Capital s shows the writer likes to take responsibility a lot.


Letter k shows the writer feels that love or romance might be a thing of past and sometimes may face problem in that. 


Crossbar of t fading shows sarcasm or words that may hurt others.


Left side crossbar of t shows more of thinking, ideation and less of action.


Upper f loop with lower stem shows more of thinking, ideation and less of action. Loops in uppercase letters show good ideas and openness to ideas.


This writer goes over and over the same spot, grinding the pen into the paper. Dot grinding is a form of compulsion, often seen in the handwritings of both abusers and victims of abuse. So, multiple factors will be needed to determine the conclusion.

Rashmi Aarya

As the writer continued with the sample, the slant of the handwriting became more pronounced. This indicates that the writer tends to become increasingly emotionally involved and sensitive as they progress in tasks, relationships, or any situation where they invest time and energy.


The small letter h, small letter n, and m... all have pointed tops. The writer has a quick mind, sharp and a comprehensive thinker. 

Pushpa Rane

PPI shows mother is intelligent and sharp. Difference of opinion with the mother. Hook at the beginning of letter m shows she had high expectations from the writer academically and was proud of that. The line spacing decreasing through the page shows the day starts with good energy and systematic but as it progresses, the writer gets into a little mess. Not able to keep pace the same way as it started. Double loop in letter o shows tendency to lie and secretive. Hook in letter C shows the writer holds some grudge against opposite gender. High dot shows the writer thinks or dreams of high goals and lower t crossbar shows the writer gets settled at average achievements or goals. Letter I in lowercase shows low self esteem sometimes. Clear big handwriting cursive writing shows extrovert, clear in communication what the writer wants to communicate. Sharp angles in n and v show Sharp analysis. Lower loop of f towards left shows more inclined towards maternal side. Word spacing shows the writer likes to be with people but needs some own space and time too. Entangling of letters of upper and lower line in the bottom lines show the writer struggles with time management towards the end of the day. Big lower loops of y and g show the writer is physically more active and has good friend circle too.


Surprisingly the writer has written letter 'i' in lowercase where uppercase is expected as per English grammar rules. Though the writer looks courageous, confident, big-hearted...I see low self-esteem hidden behind those huge walls the writer has built for the society. 

Aakash P.

Secretive, tendency to lie and self-deceiving.


I see flicks in the ends with a sharp flick. The writer's words can hurt others. Sarcastic. 


1.Left margin: Away from origin and family in the beginning now coming closer . 2. Top margin: Respect for elders and society 3. Right margin: Taking most opportunities except sin some cases where he misses it may be due to lack of confidence. 4. capital M: second hump is higher. Self- conscious about appearance, behavior, speech 5.letter f: Good in planning, good at delegation and better at getting work done from others. 6. letter f: Loop to the left: more inclined and influence from maternal relatives. Emotional, soft, studious, and good at communication. 7: letter o: secretive also could be a lair 8: slant : emotionally responsive but at the time of decisions taken from the head. Sympathetic. 9. capital I (PPI) : mother has ideas / the writer has difference of opinion with the mother. 10. spacing between lines: avoiding entanglement : smart, utilizes time properly 11. letter C: grudge against opposite sex 12. letter d: comfortable with appearance 13 letter e: good listener 14. incomplete y and g: not making use of past to enhance future, 100% efforts not put in 15. letter h : slight hook to the right : dwellw in future,stuck with plans for the future 16. letter I : dreamer, dot high 17. letter k: empathetic 18.letter l : looped , intelligent and open to new ideas 19. letter m: hooked to the left : proud of academics, mother proud of it too, usually better than other academically in the family 20. letter r : inverted v : intelligent, sharp 21. letter s : will not verbalise sympathy , soft , generous 22. letter th: aware of intelligence, t hook to the left slightly: feels parents were biased either towards or against him 23: tt: efficient, can manage 2-3 projects at a time 24: t looped stem: sensitive about sharing their ideas. 25: letter u: rounded : the writer is soft 26: letter v : sharp: analytical 27: garland connection : soft natures, connection and flow in thoughts, anyone talks against family the writer can put up a fight, others rely for sympathy and support 28: long lower zone: likes variety and change in project they undertake, restless and unable to sit in one place . they perform better in jobs with movement. Goes great lengths for shopping


Tangled letters in the handwriting, where the letters from the upper line is clashing with the letters in the line below and that too many a times shows that the writer is confused and at times emotionally unstable and at times is muddle-headed. 


The angle formation in letter 'c' in the words like 'achieve' and 'peace' shows the writer can have issues with the opposite gender. Once this person feels totally in control of the relationship, he/she will become bored.

Rashmi Aarya

The upward stroke in the second hump of the letter ‘M’ indicates that the writer is self-conscious.

Avinash Kaur

i-dots are far, the writer is a dreamer. Focus will be affected. 

Aakash P.

The handwriting has a garland-type connectivity, though not completely garland, the writer is sociable, approachable, sympathetic and has a caring personality.

Pranali G.

The handwriting is large, indicating that the writer is extroverted, results-oriented, and loves to be noticed. This person is outgoing, approachable, and enjoys being in the spotlight.

Avinash Kaur

The writer is a pathological liar. I see it in the loops of letter 'o'.


The writer's capital M with the second hump increasing in height compared to the first hump shows that the writer has a fear of being ridiculed and is very self-conscious. 

Rashmi Aarya